CHS Student Handbook
Capital High School 2018-2019 Student Handbook
“Home of the Jaguars”
4851 Paseo del Sol
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507
(See for updated policies and procedures.)
School Colors: Turquoise, Black, and Silver
Mascot: Jaguar
Mission: Capital High School is dedicated to empowering its students through a challenging, relevant, and supportive learning environment to promote life-long success and achievement.
Vision: To graduate every student college and career ready.
Motto: Our Capital High School community will Believe, Achieve, and Succeed, every day, no excuses.
Important CHS Contacts:
MAIN LINE:…………………………………..…………..467-1000
CHS Website………………………
Directing Principal, Mariah Runyan ………...……....467-1002
Associate Principal, Sonya Gunter …….................467-1004
Associate Principal, Josh Rhine………………….….467-1006
Associate Principal, Jaime Holladay..………..…….467-1005
Athletics, Zeke Villegas…………………………..…....467-1177
Front Receptionist……………………………..……...467-1001
Bookkeeper, Barbara Velarde…………………..…....467-1016
Campus Safety…………………………………..……..467-1010
Truancy Clerk, Debbie Mendoza………………..…...467-1015
Nurse, Jamie Blotter …………………………………..467-1028
Nurse Assistant, Richard Padilla …………………… 467-1028
Registrar, Jeannette Montoya…………………...…...467-1007
Teen Health Center…………….……………..……….467-1081
Information for Students:
Capital High School is accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools and therefore accepts credits from any regional accredited institution of any New Mexico Public School, including the New Mexico Virtual School.
Santa Fe Public Schools/Capital High School does not discriminate on the basis of disability, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, or age in access to employment in, or in the provision of its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following department has been designated to handle inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies:
Santa Fe Public Schools
Human Resources Department
610 Alta Vista
Santa Fe, NM 87505
Add-Drop Policy
All students who wish to pursue a schedule change must fill out the schedule change request form and submit it to secretary, Barbara Gonzales.
Dislike for a teacher, failing a class, or disciplinary problems are not valid reasons for requesting a schedule change. Students and parents may not request a specific teacher. All schedule change requests will be based on space available in the other class. Schedule changes will be considered for the following reasons only:
• Course needed for graduation or college entrance
• Incomplete schedule (missing class)
• Did not take pre-requisite class
• Incorrect level (i.e. English 2 on a junior schedule)
• Want an AP or honors class
Assembly Behavior
Students are to come promptly to the gym or theater and sit in their assigned area. Once the announcer has approached the microphone, students are to be seated quietly and attentive. During the presentation of the colors and the singing/playing of the National Anthem, students should stand quietly. Students are to remain in their designated area until dismissed by the principal or designated representative, and leave
the gym as quickly and as quietly as possible.
Attendance Policy
• All absences due to suspension will be excused.
• For other absences, it is the responsibility of the students to get the absence excused within three days after returning to school.
• Make up work must be provided for absences if asked for by the student. Teachers will offer resources necessary to learn the material, but it is the responsibility of the student to complete the make up work independently. If completed, students will, at the discretion of the teacher, received reduced credit. Teachers can allow more time at their discretion.
• For students with an average below 60%, the student and/or the student's parents/guardians must arrange for an intervention plan with the teacher of the class in which the credit has been lost. The intervention plan must be in writing and stipulate what is required of the student to restore credit. The student, the student's parent/guardians and the teacher shall each sign the intervention plan. Credit for the class may only be restored when the teacher certifies, at the end of the semester, that the student has complied with all stipulations of the Plan.
When an absence is anticipated, parents must complete an Excused Absence Form with:
• Student’s Name
• ID Number
• Grade
• Reason for Absence(s)
• Expected Duration or date(s) of absence(s)
Following any absence other than those due to school-sponsored activities, students must proceed directly to the assigned secretary and turn in an Excused Absence Form (available on the website and at school). All absences (excused or unexcused accumulating to more than ten (10) days in a semester (18 weeks) may result in a loss of credit and/or grade level promotion. However, in lieu of loss of credit or grade level promotion, the student may participate in an intervention plan to make up credit or grade level requirements. The development of the credit recovery plan/promotion plan will be a decision jointly reached by the student’s teachers, parents, and the student in a Student Success Team meeting. (Exceptions to this rule include: absences due to hospitalization or illness if the student participates in bedside or homebound instruction during the absence, or school sponsored events).
Bullying and Harassment
“Bullying means any repeated and pervasive written, verbal, or electronic expression, physical act or gesture, or a pattern thereof, that is intended to cause distress upon one or more students in the school, on school grounds, in school vehicles, at a designated bus stop, or at school activities or sanctioned events.Bullying includes, but is not limited to, hazing harassment, intimidation, or menacing acts of a student which may, but need not be based on the student’s race, color, sex, ethnicity, national origin, religion, disability, age or sexual orientation.
“Harassment” means knowingly pursuing a pattern of conduct that is intended to annoy, alarm, or terrorize another person.Harassment includes, but is not limited to:
Verbal acts, teasing, use of sarcasm, jokes
Name-calling, belittling
Nonverbal behavior such as a graphic or written statements
Conduct that is physically threatening, harmful, or humiliating
Has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive academic environment
If you witness acts of bullying or harassment, it is an expectation that you report the incident immediately to a counselor or administrator.
Buses deliver and pick up students in front of the school. Students must follow all bus rules. Bus-riding privileges may be taken away from students who violate bus rules.
Students eat in the cafeteria and courtyard, and place all trash in trash receptacles. Free and reduced lunch forms are available at Student Services and online at . While in the cafeteria:
• Students are not allowed to cut, crowd or push while in line.
• Students are to return items to their proper places and place trash in the receptacle.
• Sheet cakes, cupcakes or other outside food is not permitted on campus. Permission from administration is required.
• Students who instigate/participate in food fights will be taken to a district formal hearing for disorderly conduct.
Code of Conduct for Students
Every student is given access to the district’s Code of Conduct, and is expected to thoroughly read, understand, and comply with expectations. All students are expected to behave in a manner appropriate to high school age students while on campus and/or while participating in any school-sponsored activities. Students are expected to think before making choices and be prepared to accept the consequences of their decisions. Students should not interfere with the rights of others or with the educational process. These include, but are not limited to, as per the district Code of Conduct, the following prohibited acts:
• Actions (verbal or written) that threaten the safety or well being of students and staff (e.g. expressions of violence, etc.)
• Intimidation and/or harassment
• Refusal to cooperate with school personnel
• Refusal to cooperate with emergency procedures
• Giving school personnel false information
• Altering school documents or providing a false signature on documents
• Refusal to adhere to the Dress Code
• Refusal to identify oneself or falsely identifying oneself
• Failure to carry a school issued identification card
• Academic dishonesty
• Obscenity, profanity, libel, slander, and “fighting” words or symbols
• Sexual harassment
• Vandalism to school or individuals’ personal property
• Extortion
• Theft
• Interfering with the educational process
• Truancy, tardiness
• Snowball or other (objects) throwing
NOTE: The following prohibited acts are considered “Zero Tolerance” and WILL result in an out-of-school suspension.
• Verbal or physical abuse of staff
• Fighting, assault, and/or battery
• Possession of alcohol and/or drugs
• Possession of weapons or any item or device that may be used as a weapon
• Threats and other acts of violence
• Initiations or hazing
• Promoting, initiating, instigating, or encouraging behavior in others that may result in physical, emotional, or social harm.
Cell Phones
Students may not use their cell phones during class time. Cell phones must be in the off mode during class time and in all school buildings. Students may use their cell phones at lunch, before school, and after school. Students who loan their phones to another will be held accountable if cell phone policy is violated. Failure to adhere to this rule will result in, but is not limited to, the following:
1st offense: Student is escorted by security to check it in with the front office. Parents are notified.A warning is given.Student may pick up phone after school.
2nd offense: Student is escorted by security to check it in with the front office. Parents are notified.Parent/guardian may pick up phone after school.
3rd offense: Student is escorted by security to check it in with the front office. Parent is notified.Parent/guardian can pick up the phone from the principal at the end of the school year.
Complaint Procedures
Students/parents who want to voice a concern or complaint regarding a staff member may complete a complaint form. The form outlines step by step the procedure in which concerns/complaints are handled.
Each student is assigned a campus counselor when enrolled. Counselors are available during all periods of the day. Students must make an appointment before seeing their assigned counselor. Students may not leave class to see their counselor without an appointment slip. The counseling staff will be available for class schedules, career counseling and college entrance assistance, personal assistance and referral to the Teen Health Center. Students with special needs are requested to inform their counselor of the
accommodations they require.
Closed Campus
Capital High School is a closed campus. If a student wishes to leave campus, the student must follow the regular checkout procedures to obtain an off-campus pass with a secretary in the main office. Students must have a written note signed by their parent/guardian before permission is granted. Secretaries will verify the note with the signing parent. Medical appointments and family emergencies will be honored with the above documentation.
School dances are extracurricular activities. Students attending dances must show their student ID card in order to enter the dance. Students must pick up guest approval forms if they are bringing a non-CHS student prior to each dance. Students must remain at the dance; if they exit, they will not be allowed to return.
Dress and Appearance Directives
See SFPS Dress and Appearance Directives.
*****Failure to adhere to the Dress Code will result in, but is not limited to, the following:
• 1st offense: A warning is given, parents are notified, and an alternate piece of clothing given or student is sent to ISS until a change of clothing can be provided.
• 2nd offense: Parents are notified. Student is sent to ISS for the remainder of the school day.
• 3rd offense: Parents are notified. Student is sent to ISS for the remainder of the school day and other consequences may occur at the discretion of the principal.
Driving and Parking
Driving and parking are privileges that carry with them the following responsibilities, which apply to all motorized vehicles, including cars, motorcycles, motorbikes and motor scooters:
• Only licensed students may drive motorized vehicles on campus.
• Students must purchase a parking pass for $35 each for any motorized vehicle brought on campus. Students are assigned a designated parking space.
• CHS requires students to present a valid driver's license, current vehicle registration, and proof of insurance to purchase a parking pass. Students must sign a contract, which explains the rules for parking on campus and the consequences for breaking them. Students may purchase parking passes during registration or during the school year from campus safety. Parking passes must be attached to vehicles; they should hang from the rear view mirror. Students must park in the student parking lot only. Parking privileges may be denied or removed at the discretion of the principal. Reasons for removal may include, but are not limited to: poor attendance, reckless driving, illegal parking, parking in unassigned area, illegal off-campus passes, illegal use of parking passes, violation of parking policies or other disciplinary reasons.
• CHS will tow or boot, at the owner's expense, student vehicles parked illegally in the student or faculty parking areas or any off-limits areas. Off-limits areas include: Faculty Lot, Visitor Lot, Cafeteria Lot, and any areas designated for construction use. The fee to remove a boot is $25 for first offense, $35 second offense and $50 on the third offense. CHS is not responsible for any damage that the boot may cause to the vehicle.
• When exiting the student parking lot during school hours, students must stop at the exit gate and present and off-campus pass to the safety officer on duty. Each student in the vehicle must have an off-campus pass in order to be allowed to leave the parking lot.
• The speed limit on campus in 5 mph unless otherwise posted.
• CHS administration may authorize the search of any vehicle on campus or under school control.
• Parking privileges may be denied and permits confiscated for students with 10 or more absences in a semester.
Emergency Drills
It is a state requirement (SB Policy 5127) that all students and staff evacuate the building during a fire drill, fire alarm, or mandatory evacuation. Lock-down procedures require full cooperation. Refusal to cooperate will result in administrative consequences. Use of a cell phone during a drill may result in a district formal hearing at the discretion of the principal.
Gang Related Activity
Safety is of utmost importance at Capital High School. While only a few students at CHS engage in gang related activities, any gang related activity at school represents a serious safety risk. Therefore, the Santa Fe Public Schools and Capital High School has adopted a zero tolerance policy with regard to any and all gang related activity. Whether an act signifies or exhibits an individual’s affiliation with, or representation of, a gang will be determined by the administration of the school of the school on a case-by-case basis. The following guidelines serve as a representation of the general protocol that the administration at Capital High School uses to determine whether a student’s clothing, and to what extent, the student in question receivers consequences appropriate to gang related activity.
This list is intended to provide guidance to parents when selecting appropriate clothing and accessories for their children to wear at school. The administration at Capital High School utilizes the experience and expertise of the Santa Fe Police Department and the New Mexico Gang Task Force (click here to information for parents provided by the NMGTF) to develop and enforce these guidelines. Since gang related colors, clothing styles, and other indicators, change from time to time, the administration of Capital High School will update these guidelines as necessary.
Graduation Requirements
At least one of the credits required for graduation shall be earned as an Advanced Placement (AP) or Honors Course, or a Dual Credit Course offered in cooperation with an institution of higher education, or a Distance Learning/electronic course.
Required Courses
English – 4 credits
Science – 3 credits
Social Studies 3.5 credits
Math – 4 credits
Physical Education – 1 credit
Health - .5 credits
Career Cluster/Language other than English – 1 credit
Electives – 7 credits
Total Credits 24
English: 4 credits - major emphasis on grammar, nonfiction writing, and literature. ELD satisfies the English requirement.
Science: 3 credits - two of which shall have a laboratory component
Social Studies: 3.5 credits - which shall include:
• 1 credit World History and Geography
• 1 credit United States History and Geography
• 1 credit Government and Economics
• 0.5 credit in New Mexico History
Math: 4 credits - at least one of which is equivalent to or higher than the level of Algebra II
Physical Education: 1 credit - can be earned through:
• 1 year in an Athletics class, Marching Band or Dance
Health: 0.5 Credit
Foreign Language/Career Cluster: 1 credit (2 credits of same foreign language for students who want to attend college) - Each high school offers Career Clusters / Workplace Readiness courses and languages other than English to meet this requirement
Electives: 7 credits - that meet department content and performance standards. Weighted credit will be afforded to those students enrolled in AP (Advance Placement) classes only. Counselors complete a thorough credit check during the student’s junior and senior years to ensure graduation requirements are outlined with the students. Once credit checks are completed; it is the responsibility of the student to pass and complete the required courses.
Alternative Credits: Students are encouraged to meet individually with their counselor to make sure their course of studies meets any and all graduation requirements. Students cannot utilize such alternatives as dual credit. For example, a course(s) may be used as a career cluster credit for graduation (as in two years of a foreign language), but may not be counted as both foreign language credit (one) and career cluster credit (one) to make two credits. Please ask your counselor about Dual Enrollment. Correspondence courses are not accepted for credit by the Santa Fe Public Schools.
Graduation Competency Exams: Student must take the PARCC, SBA, and End-of-Course exams as the primary means of fulfillment for Reading, Math, Social Studies, Science, and Writing graduation tests. If the student has made the required number of attempts per PED, the student may use alternative means of competency demonstration.
Hall Passes
Students must obtain a valid hall pass from their assigned teacher in order to be allowed out of class during class time. The pass must include date, time and destination. Students without a hall pass will be subject to disciplinary action.
Hazing is not permitted on school campus. Hazing is defined as harassing by exacting unnecessary, disagreeable, or degrading tasks or activities, which may result in harm or bodily injury to an individual. To play abusive and humiliating tricks on an individual by way of initiation. Severe consequences will be enforced.
Identification Cards
Student identification cards with pictures are issued to every student at registration. Replacement ID cards may be purchased at an additional cost of $5.00 from the secretary in the main office. Students will receive three temporary Identification stickers (per semester), then, must pay $5.00 for a new ID badge. Students will remain in ISS if they have used up their temporaries until they can pay, or a parent/guardian can bring money. Identification badges issued by Capital High School must be visibly displayed on the front of the person to which the badge was issued using a lanyard provided by the school. Identification badges are used for safety, compliance, and tracking of students, and therefore, trading, sharing, altering, or loss of badges will be subject to disciplinary action or fine. Any lost, altered, misplaced, or stolen identification badge must be replaced before students return to class. The card is also used for admission to sporting events, school dances/activities, in the cafeteria and the library.
Students must have a current immunization record on file with the School Nurse in order to attend school. Students not in compliance with immunization requirements are notified by mail, when possible,
about the lack of immunizations. Students not in compliance may be removed from school until their immunizations are brought up to date [NM statutes 12 – 3 to 4.1].
Inclement Weather
Snow Day Procedure for Students and Parents:
Students and parents are asked NOT to call the school site, but are encouraged to watch television reports or listen to local radio stations.
• KOB-Channel 4,KRQE-Channel 13 or KOAT- Channel 7
• Radio: KSWV AM 810 , KDCE AM 950, KTRC AM 1260, Eagle FM 104.1, KHFM FM 95..5 to name a few.
For SFPS Transportation Department, call 467-3541 for general information. Parents are asked and encouraged to evaluate weather conditions and inclement weather days and make a decision about their own child’s attendance.
• Two-Hour Delay - SFPS will announce a two-hour delay to the school day when weather creates hazardous road conditions which compromise the ability of school buses and students to come safely to school. This announcement will be made as early as possible, but not later than 7 a.m. School will begin 2 hours later than normal start time.
• Cancelation of School - After a two-hour delay has been announced and weather conditions have continued to deteriorate, the Superintendent may call a cancelation of school as early as
possible, but no later than 8 a.m. All school activities are canceled.
• Early Release - An early release of schools will be called in extreme weather conditions. Early release will be called no later than 11 a.m. All after-school programs will be canceled.
Library/Media Resource Center
The Library/MRC is open throughout the regular school day. Students are encouraged to take advantage of its resources. In addition to books and magazines that are available for check out, the MRC also has an excellent reference section of print materials that support the curriculum. There are also computers available for individual student use: a limited number of free copies are permitted on the computer printers.
Library books may be check out for a three week period; your student ID is required to check out books or other MRC materials. If a book is lost, the replacement cost must be paid before the student can register for the next term, or before a senior may be granted a diploma.
Students must have an official pass from a teacher, and their student ID, in order to be admitted to the MRC during class time. The teacher should indicate on the pass the purpose for the student’s visit to the MRC (study, research, etc.). The librarians reserve the right to deny use of the MRC to any student that is not using his or her time appropriately.
Lockers are available if desired. See secretarial staff in the gymnasium for gym locker check-out and the front office for lockers in the school building.
Lost and Found
Lost and found is located in the Media Resource Center.
Nursing Care
CHS employs a Registered Nurse (RN) to supervise the health programs at CHS. During school hours, the nurse is available for scheduled conferences concerning student health issues. Medical care and treatment, other than first aid, is not available at the Nurse’s office. THE NURSE CANNOT ADMINISTER ANY MEDICATION, INCLUDING OVER-THE-COUNTER MEDICATION, WITHOUT PARENT CONSENT FORM SIGNED AND DATED. Students requiring medication at school must follow the recommended policy governing administration of medication at school. A copy of these guidelines is available from the Nurse’s office parent/guardian and/or physician is responsible for instructing the student on proper use of the medication. During class time, the nurse will normally accept students, unless circumstances prevent it. Students are required to report to class before coming to the Nurse’s Office and must bring a hall pass from their teacher. Those students who do not bring such a pass will be asked to return to class to get a pass before being seen, unless the illness/injury is an emergency.
Off-Campus Passes
Students are not allowed off-campus unless they have an approved off-campus pass, which indicates the destination. A pass may be obtained from the secretary in the main office. An off campus pass will be issued for medical appointments and family emergencies only. In order to receive an off-campus pass, student must present a written request from parent/guardian. CHS staff must be able to verify the written request with a parent/guardian. Students may receive permanent off-campus passes with a valid schedule. Individuals on the student’s emergency contact list may only check out students.
Records Office
A cumulative record is kept and maintained by the registrar. This record consists of the student’s transcript, immunization record, test scores, report cards, records from previous schools and registration/withdrawal forms. Several years after the student has graduated or left high school, their records will be transferred to microfiche film. Unofficial copies of the transcript will be given to parents or students, but official transcripts are mailed to other institutions to ensure accuracy. $1 WILL BE CHARGED FOR ALL REQUESTS. Only under the following circumstances can a current/former student pick up an official transcript copy:
1. Dual Enrollment
2. Applying to a Foreign Exchange Program
3. Applying to college/university: Must be included with applications (cannot be mailed separately by the student)
4. Applying for scholarship funds
5. Applying for the military
6. Applying for employment
Report Cards and Deficiency Notices
Report cards will given to students at the end of each grading period and a robocall will be sent to families. In addition to this, the school will send families robocalls for students having either a D or an F in any/all class(es) at the end of each 4-½ week period of each quarter. Parent-teacher conferences and Open House sessions are found in the SFPS Calendar and will provide parents with additional feedback as to the performance of their child.
Sterling Silvers Selection Process
Student must be currently classified as a graduating senior.
Student must have a minimum 3.0 cumulative grade point average.
Student cannot have any grade of D or F on their transcript.
Student must have been a student at Capital High School for at least two years.
Students must have a minimum of 3 teacher recommendations.
Students will be required to submit an essay.
Students may participate in an interview with the Sterling Silvers Committee.
Students may not have any Level 3 violations of the Code of Conduct while at CHS.
Over the course of four years, students must have been involved or be currently involved in at least one club, or co-curricular/extra-curricular activities. This includes athletics and community service hours.
Only administrative personnel have the right to search a student and his/her property when there is reasonable suspicion. If any illegal substances, stolen property, or weapons are found, they will be confiscated and
proper school and legal action taken.
Graduation Ceremonies and Dances are extra-curricular events. In efforts to ensure the safety, health and welfare of all students and attendees at these events, students will be subject to electronic/magnetic wanding. If the wand sounds an alert, the School District will have individualized suspicion that the
student may be in possession of contraband or weapons, and a body pat-down search of the student may be conducted to determine if the student is in possession of contraband or weapons.
• Students who have a medical need which requires them to have an over-the-counter or prescription drug during the event MUST have a form filled out to this effect filed with the school nurse prior to the event. School personnel will have the completed verified forms at the event. Only students with completed forms will be allowed to possess and take over-the-counter or prescription drugs at the event. This form is available through your school nurse. The expectation is that over-the-counter or prescription drugs will not be shared or distributed to others. All medications must be sealed or in its prescription container.
• Articles that are prohibited on any Santa Fe Public School campus will be confiscated and may be turned over to law enforcement when applicable. Other items confiscated will be available to students to reclaim upon exit from the event. However, the School District is not responsible for any item or items on a first come first serve basis at the conclusion of the ceremony on the stage. Students will be subject to discipline for attempting to, or bringing prohibited items to this event.
• Any student having concerns about any of the procedures or the manner in which any search will or has taken place may report it immediately to any School District Administrator present at the event. All screenings will be observed by School District employees and/or Administrators.
Students should display sportsmanlike conduct while attending all CHS sporting events by:
Being courteous to teams, officials, and visiting fans, they are our guests.
Being enthusiastic by rooting for CHS, not booing the officials or the opponents.
Being a good sport by supporting CHS teams before, during and after games.
Being a cooperative fan.It is a game with a respected opponent, not a fight with a bitter enemy.
Summer School
Two terms of summer school are offered, consisting of two three-week periods. A maximum of two credits can be earned, but only to make up for a failed grade, not to advance through school ahead of schedule.
Tardy System “P3” (Be Prompt; Be Prepared; Be Polite)
At Capital High School, we believe that in order to be a successful student, every member of our school community must practice being prompt, prepared, and polite, every day. Because instruction is a priority at our school, students are expected to arrive to class on time. Students that are late will have to go to the Tardy Control Center (ISS Room) to get an authorized pass. It is the student’s responsibility to find out what work was missed. Students have three days, per School Board Policy, to turn in their work from the day they are absent.
Tardies 1-5 = Official warning and a pass to class.
Tardies 6-10 = ISS for the remainder of the class period and contact with parents.
Tardies 11 – 15 = ISS for half day.
Repeat the cycle for further tardies.
Teen Health Center
Teen Health Center (THC)/Presbyterian Medical Services
The THC supplements and complements the health services provided by CHS. The THC, available to all students, provides the following, with an emphasis on preventive health:
• Health care services – Sports physicals, diagnostic exams and treatment, prescriptions for illness or injury, immunizations, birth control, gynecological exams, laboratory tests (strep, etc), sexually transmitted disease (STD) treatment and detection, and pregnancy testing.
• Counseling – Individual, family and group therapy is available. The THC also provides on-site and referral counseling for personal problems, dietary, mental health, contraceptive use, tobacco use, substance abuse (in conjunction with school resources), and family planning.
• Confidentiality – All services are confidential, and are not part of school records.
• Hours – Open daily from 8 till about 4:30, including summer and other vacation days and when there are no classes.
The THC charges a minimal fee for most services; however, no student is turned away. Confidential services are free. Discounts are based on income available. A signed parent permission slip is required before a student can use the THC services, except for confidential services such as counseling birth control, etc. The THC accepts walk-ins, as well as appointments.
Telephones and Messages
All administrative offices have phones for student use in the event of an emergency. Additionally, emergency or urgent messages from parents can be sent to students through grade level secretaries during class times.
1. Required for Graduation - New Mexico Standards Based Assessment/PARCC/EOCs: New Mexico public high school students are required to pass these exams to receive a New Mexico high school diploma. Seniors who do not pass the examinations, but fulfill the other course and credit requirements are given the option of graduating with a certificate of completion, but not a diploma. Students may receive modification to the exam based on their IEP (Individual Education Plan) recommendations.
2. Available for students – EXPLORE, PLAN, ACT, PSAT, SAT, ASVAB, PARCC, AP Exam: The two high schools also offer these tests to students. The PSAT is offered to 10th and 11th graders as a practice college entrance exam. Juniors may take the PSAT in order to compete for National Merit Scholarships. The PLAN test is a pre-ACT test that is given to all 10th graders. The SAT and ACT are usually taken during the 11th or 12th grade years as the primary college entrance examinations. Please contact a counselor for specific dates and times for these exams. The ASVAB is an aptitude test offered at the schools through the military. The New Mexico Standards Based Assessment is given to all 10th and 11th grade students and scores are required to be included on official transcripts. Advanced Placement exams are offered to 11th and 12th graders. Pre-AP courses teach the knowledge and skills that promote success in the Advanced Placement courses. These courses also prepare students for the rigors of college courses. Students who take AP courses and cannot afford the price of the exam may apply for financial assistance for the cost of the AP exam(s).
New Mexico furnishes textbooks used by CHS students. Students are responsible for checking out their own textbooks from the Library/MRC. A number identifies each textbook, and students are responsible for reasonable care for books. If lost, students will have to pay to replace the textbook.
Valedictorian Selection
The valedictorian will be the graduating student with the highest grade point average. In addition, the valedictorian must have been a student at Capital High School for at least two years
Graduation and Competency Requirements
- English 1 or ESL - English 2 or ESL - English 3, AP English Language or ESL - English 4, AP English Literature or ESL
| 4 credits | |
Math - Algebra I (could be taken 8th grade) - Geometry - Applied Math - Financial Math - Algebra II - Pre-Calculus/Trig - AP Calculus - * 1 credit must be Algebra II or higher | 4 credits | |
Health | 0.5 credit | |
P.E. / Fitness/ Dance P.E. / Marching Band | 1 credit | |
Science - General Science - Biology - Chemistry - Environmental Science - Physics - AP Biology - AP Environmental Science *must take Biology or Chemistry – as these EoCs are used for science competency testing | 3 credits | |
Social Studies
- New Mexico History (.5 credit) - World History, Honors World, or AP World - U.S. History or AP U.S. History
| 3.5 credits | |
Electives Freshman Seminar, AVID, Computers, Art, Drama, AP Psychology, Orchestra, etc. | 7 credits | |
Career Readiness or Foreign Language
All Pathway sequenced courses (you will begin taking these sophomore year) | 1 credit | |
Course Credit Total | 24 credits |
Every student must take at least one Advanced Placement, Honors, Dual Credit, or Distance Learning course
Reading | Primarily met through PARCC exam. | |||
Writing | Primarily met through PARCC exam. | |||
Math | Primarily met through PARCC exam. | |||
Science | Primarily met through Science SBA exam. | |||
Social Studies | Primarily met through End-of-Course (EoC) exams. |